The day you discover that you are pregnant, your life changes forever. Suddenly, a new little person has entered your life and you are overwhelmed by a love unlike any other. And once your baby is born and you have counted all their little toes and fingers at least ten times, you just want to do everything to ensure that your little miracle grows up healthy and safe. And naturally, this means putting yourself aside a little more often.
However, it is important to take good care of yourself and be kind to yourself, even as a new mother. Because as much fun as motherhood is, it can be quite exhausting at times. Tastea has selected a number of beautiful tea blends especially for you, which not only support your health but also give you the opportunity to take a moment for yourself.
We have Bun in the Oven for instance. A tea full of fresh and sweet ingredients like mint and raspberry. These contain minerals that are especially useful in the last trimester of your pregnancy. If you are breastfeeding, you should definitely try Mama's Milkshake. The combination of herbs in this tea, such as fennel and caraway, boosts milk production.
Bun In The Oven
Herbal teas for the last trimester
Mama's milkshake
Herbal tea with mint for healthy breast milk production
Mommy To Be Box
2 mommy blends and a tea cup