Your new morning routine for more energy
Routines suffer from stigma but that’s unjustified. Routines take care of focus, rest and clearity. Want to start your day pink and fresh? Get started with these tips and tricks.
The morning, immediately after awakening, is the ideal moment for meditation. Because meditation makes you aware of right here and now, you’ll be able to start your day with a clear head.
A cold shower isn’t pleasant when you just got out of your warm bed, but it’s definitely invigorating. Turn back the temperature (to the cold side) the last 30 seconds of your shower and you’ll be fresh as a Daisy.
People tend to skip their breakfast because they aren’t able to digest yet, they like to stay in bed longer or they just simply forget. In order for your metabolism to get started, you should eat something.. *Sounds like a search for a smoothie*
Scents influence our emotions. That’s why you should start your day with a tasty and fragrance tea, like for example the fresh scent of the Fresh Habibi, the scent of the Crazy About you or the sweet scent of the Tutti Frutti.
Start with one of above mentioned tips and you’ll see your daystart will improve. Change it into your morning routine and you’ll walk out of your house with a smiling face.
Are you a morning person? Do you want to share some pro tips with us? Contact us!